Registration for the annual Glen Rock Shooting Stars Spring Skills and/or Pre-Travel Small-Sided Games for kids in Kindergarten or first grade is open. The program is administered in partnership with our training company, Total Soccer Development, which is run by Glen Rock Boys Soccer Coach/TSD Owner, Matt Beverin and TSK Director/Owner Cesar Blacido. Academy was the stepping stone for most of our current Shooting Stars players and is designed to help kids improve their individual skills and get ready to play competitive soccer.
To register follow this link on TeamSnap:
Individual Programs:
Register for Spring Skills and/or Pre-travel small sided games, for $100 each by electing those programs on the registration form. Details on each below.
Spring Pre-Travel Skills Academy Program:
60 minute sessions
Pre-K and K at 3 PM, 1st graders at 4PM
9 sessions run from April 6 thru June 8 (off 5/26)
Saturdays 3-5PM @ Glen Rock Faber Grass Field (behind the turf)
10:1 TSD trainer to player ratio
Footwork and skills practice with a TSD trainer
Spring Pre-Travel Small-Sided Games Program
Spring boys and girls 4v4 league (no tryouts)
40 minute games, staggered from 3-5PM
9 sessions run from April 7 thru June 9 (off on 5/26)
Sundays @ Glen Rock Faber Grass Field (behind the turf)
Parent-coached, TSD referee
Technical skills from Pre-travel can be applied via a small-sided game format
Any questions please email info@glenrockshootingstars and enter question for Nikki Fuller regarding K-1 Program in the subject line.